Race Day

When do you race at the Lake Macquaire BMX Track?

  • LMBMX have club racing, or “clubbies”, Saturday afternoons generally every weekend. Please check our Facebook page for club event dates and weather updates.
  • The club level BMX season typically runs from mid to late January through until November.

How is racing organised?

  • In BMX riders are grouped based on the age they turn in the calendar year.
  • LMBMX offers novice race groups for beginners (kids and adults) so riders are competing against other riders of similar abilities when getting started.  
  • We have groups for “Mini Wheelers” (balance bike riders), Junior and Senior “Sprockets” and ability groups for the challenge classes. 
  • Most clubs run a points series over the year and award prizes at the end of the points series, LMBMX hold two race series over the year. Mini Wheeler & Sprocket classes are participation only and are not scored but still receive a prize.

How much is racing?

  • For a club racing meet - It is $10 per rider to race at our clubbies, $5 for mini wheelers or capped at $25 per family.

What happens on race day?

  • Sign on and practice is 4.30 – 5.30 pm (Summer – School Terms 1 & 4) or  3.30 – 4.30 pm (Winter – School Terms 2 & 3) the track is closed to pedal bikes for 30 minutes prior to racing for mini wheeler practice session.
  • Racing starts about 6pm (Summer) and 5pm (Winter) and usually takes about 2 hrs.
  • We conduct three races, called “motos”, and then break for dinner before completing a final two motos.  Mini Wheelers only race in the first three motos prior to break. 
  • We have canteen facilities which open during practice and stay open until the conclusion of the event.

We’re ready for a race bike, what size bike do we get?

  • The bike size required for each child will vary based on a number of factors. We highly recommend visiting a bike shop that specialises in BMX race bikes to assist with choosing the correct size bike for your child.
  • We also recommend getting a bike which is the correct size rather than something they will “grow into”. This allows them to develop skills better, race faster, and will enjoy themselves more.

20" or Cruiser (24") Bike?

  • A “standard” BMX bike has 20" diameter wheels. There is also a separate class called “Cruisers” which are bikes with 24" diameter wheels. Kids generally ride a 20" bike, adults are mixed between 20” and 24" bikes.
  • Whilst 20” bikes are more popular, it is the rider’s preference and either can be ridden at clubbies and Opens.

Sqorz - Racing Timing System

  • Each track has a built-in electronic system designed by EventSoft to read each transponder and relay it in real time to both the race administrator as well as the individual through their own property software called Sqorz. https://our.sqorz.com/orgs 
  • Click on the above link to go to the sqorz home page, to view club race results scroll down to where you see the Australian flag and click on it, then scroll down to where you see Lake Macquarie BMX Club and click on that to enter our clubs section. Once here you will be able to find historic as well as current race information.